In the wake of unprecedented disaster, New Zealand social enterprise Heilala Vanilla has been gathering funds and putting plans in motion to help the Tongan community recover after a volcanic eruption, tsunami and Covid struck the nation.
The Brisbane hosts of the 2022 Social Enterprise World Forum aim to attract 2,500 in-person visitors plus another 100,000 online at global event next September.
New Zealand’s Whanau Ora Commissioning Agency aims to improve the lives of Maori by embedding indigenous and cultural principles into modern-day social value approaches, while keeping whanau (the family unit) and wellbeing at the centre.
New Zealand’s University of Auckland takes number one spot in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings for second year in a row, while three Australian institutions shoot up into the top five.
The Body Shop recently announced it would start using ‘open hiring’ – but it’s not the only company recruiting in a more inclusive way. Inspiration from social businesses in the US, New Zealand and the UK.
Bite-sized stories this week include record interest in B Corp certification, a big commitment to buy social, latest research on giving to charity, and new hires at Social Investment Scotland.
New Zealand company CoGo, which launched in the UK last year, will use the investment to fuel ambitious growth – with aims to sign up another 400 businesses by year end.
The CEO and co-founder of CoGo, a platform that connects ethical businesses with consumers, juggles time zones and bedtime stories while leading a start-up the second time round.