Tove Ahlström is CEO at the think tank Global Utmaning. She holds a Master of Science in Engineering from Linköping University and has extensive professional experience in the private sector as well as within public administration. She is on the 2018 list of Sweden’s 101 most influential people in the field of sustainability, and is also part of Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project.
Sofia Breitholtz is CEO at Reach for Change, a global non-profit organisation founded in Sweden, with a footprint in 18 countries across Europe and Africa. Since its foundation in 2010, Reach for Change has supported over 1,200 social entrepreneurs, and impacted over 4.3 million children around the world. In the past, Sofia has worked with business development at EY and with development issues in Africa for the EU. She was the former deputy CEO of the Swedish social enterprise Solvatten, and worked as an advisor for Ben & Jerry's community engagement.